Niamh O’Brien Physiotherapy and Pilates

Chartered Physiotherapist in Cavan

Treating patients and service users from all age groups and all walks of life from birth right through to old age.



For increased muscle strength and tone, particularly of your abdominal muscles, lower back & hips.



For improved physical coordination and balance

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Chartered Physiotherapist in Cavan

Treating patients and service users from all age groups and all walks of life from birth right through to old age.

Pilates Suitable for Everyone

Pilates caters for everyone, from beginner to advanced. You can perform exercises using your own body weight, or with the help of various pieces of equipment.

A typical Pilates workout includes a number of exercises and stretches. Each exercise is performed with attention to proper breathing techniques and abdominal muscle control.  The main aim is to condition the deeper, supporting muscles of your body to improve posture, balance and coordination

Physiotherapy Cavan

I am a Chartered Physiotherapist, and a member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists . I help to treat patients and service users from all age groups and all walks of life from birth right through to old age.

All major Health Insurance providers (VHI, Laya and Glo Health) provide cover for treatment provided by a private Chartered Physiotherapist. The level of cover will vary in accordance with your individual health insurance plan. Check your policy information to find out what is included in your cover. 

Health Insurance providers (VHI, Laya and Glo Health) provide cover for treatment provided by a private Chartered Physiotherapist.
vhi Insurance
laya insurance
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